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Dreading Christmas? Part 1

Writer: Amy SlevinAmy Slevin
Who could blame you?!

There are three types of people at Christmas: those who love it (presumably not you, if you're reading this), those for whom the obligation to play happy families drives them to drink and those for whom crippling loneliness pervades their being and they long to have family around to irritate them. No wonder so many people die around Christmas time. Thankfully I'm here to help you navigate the pesky family dramas. You can read about overcoming loneliness HERE.
With expectations to play happy families with people you spend all year avoiding, smile through gritted teeth when that person pisses you off AGAIN, and navigate triggers left, right and centre, no wonder you wish you could run away and join the circus.

Christmas can feel like a battlefield. Our unrealistic expectations vs the reality people's behaviour are a perfect recipe for conflict. You're not just bracing for the holiday stress; you’re walking into a minefield of family drama. But don’t worry, help is available...

Ideally I’d wave a magic wand and everyone would behave exactly as you wish but alas, I’m no magician so sadly you must accept the devastating reality that we cannot change other people; our only option is to change how we respond. FFS.

  1. Fly my pretties! FLY AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE! Bora Bora awaits! New adventures, new friends, new life!

  1. Feign illness - or worse, manifest real illness that incapacitates you and forces you to convalesce in bed. It’s a get-out-of-Christmas-free card!

  1. Get professional help. What? - you didn’t think this would all be nonsense, did you? Having a few pre-Christmas coaching sessions with yours truly will help you understand why you get triggered by specific people, make you less reactive, set healthy boundaries, and most importantly help you have a less stressful, verging on enjoyable Christmas. Perish the thought.  

It isn't just about creating a force field through which their toxicity cannot permeate. It's about understanding yourself, them and how small adjustments in your mindset can transform your interactions with even the most vexatious of people.

The uncomfortable truth is that conflict is a co-creation - it takes two, baby (or more). There are usually behaviours that we do, consciously or otherwise, that contribute to the dynamic. The sooner we see how we play a part in it, the sooner we can take steps to change things.

Triggers, like injuries, are fantastic teachers and opportunities to learn about ourselves and how our behaviour influences those around us.

So let me help you to mine your triggers, navigate the chaos of family Christmas by providing strategies to manage difficult dynamics, protect your wellbeing and reduce stress, so you can enjoy a more peaceful and fulfilling holiday season. You’ll also gain fascinating insights into yourself & tools that you can use all year round and have improved interactions going forward. What's not to love?

Click HERE to book yourself in. It’ll be the best Christmas present you give yourself, ever.

See you in the Zoom Room (or on Hampstead Heath where I do walky-talky coaching sessions). How cool is that?!


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